The Humane Society of North Iowa is a fun and rewarding place to work!  If you are a compassionate person who loves animals, this just might be the place for you! Please use the link below to complete and submit your Job Application. You can email your application to us ( or drop it off in person during our open shelter hours.

We currently have the following openings (click title for full description):

How to apply for employment with the Humane Society of North Iowa

  • Click the link below to open a pdf version of our Employment Application.
  • Print out a copy, complete the application and return it us using any of the following methods:
    • Email a scanned copy of the completed application to us:
    • Fax: 641-424-3617
    • Drop off your application in person at the Humane Society of North Iowa any time during our available hours. (current hours listed on our homepage)

Link for application: Employment Application-Humane Society of North Iowa